
Getting Things Done at a glance – a quick way to improve your productivity starting today! (+ free printables)

David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) method inspired me to revolutionize my life and create an organization system. In his […]

Getting Things Done (GTD) – The most powerful method of improving productivity

Getting Things Done (GTD) is a clever system for organizing your life. Its guiding principle is to make you have […]

6 life-changing lessons I’ve learned before turning 30

Sooo I turned 30 this month. My birthday provoked me to do some serious self-reflection. It made me stop and think […]

4 steps to find your goals, passion and life purpose (+ free printable worksheet)

Finding my life purpose always was and still is one of the most important things for me. I truly believe […]

9 powerful mindfulness exercises to add into your daily self-care routine

Mindfulness is the ability to be here and now, in the present moment. And why is it so important? Staying […]

How to create good habits and make them stick in 4 simple (but not easy) steps?

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in […]

Build the best evening routine for more energy and better sleep (+ free printable)

I think that having a suitable evening routine is crucial for being efficient throughout the day. Reportedly, a productive day […]

Best tips for personal growth: How to create a balanced life filled with happiness?

Well, I’ll turn 30 soon. On this occasion I’d like to share some of my top life-changing tips for self […]

Discover the power of morning routine and feel in control of your life! (+ free printable)

I’ve been creating my best morning routine for years. As an entrepreneur I need to be efficient and work on […]

5 super helpful things i wish i knew as a beginner pencil artist

A lot of people with artistic potential feel a powerful fear of failure that they don’t even start learning how […]
